Displayed in a 100 points scale, these can be affected by both good and bad deeds during multiplayer, from completing matches to idling. Staying on top of this scale can lead to rewards, but if you don’t pay attention to it, your account may receive different penalties over time. This page will explain how Fair-Play Points work, as well as how to get Fair-Play Points in case you’ve been losing them, and an explainer on the rating scale in detail. On this page: Every player starts with 100 Fair-Play Points, and these can either decrease or increase depending on some factors. If you stay in between 90 to 100 points, you’ll be able to cash in rewards as compensation for your good deeds. But if not, penalties can take place instead. The Fair-Play Points scale from 100 to zero is as follows:

90-100: Eligible for Fair-Play Point rewards 80-89: Not eligible for Fair-Play Point rewards 60-79: Ranked match ban 0-59: Random match ban during Standard matches

As long as you stay within the 90 to 100 scale, you’ll be able to cash in 20 Aeon coins daily. You can do this from the Fair-Play Points tab in your account profile, which can be accessed from the main menu by pressing your trainer icon. We recommend to check on your Fair-Play Points at least once a day to cash in your rewards, or in the worst case scenario, to know exactly how many points you need to get back to the top of the scale. Need help deciding which Pokémon to choose? Check out our Pokémon Unite tier list and build guides for - Pikachu, Snorlax, Gardevoir, Cinderace, Greninja, Gengar, Blissey, Lucario, Espeon, Delphox, Glaceon, Buzzwole and Absol. You can also learn more about the Ranked system, Fair-Play Points and how to surrender a match. So, what are the conditions? In order for Fair-Play Points to be deducted, the following actions need to be registered:

-1 point: Abandoning a matchmade team instead of surrendering -2 points: Idling in matches (short-term) -5 points: Idling in matches (extended) -8 points: Idling in matches (malicious)

In turn, Fair-Play Points are awarded by completing matches:

+1 point: Standard battle CPU match +2 points: Standard battle random match +2 points: Ranked match

Bear in mind that only five Fair-Play Points can be awarded per day. In summary, the penalties are fairly straightforward. Quitting a match without using the surrender option and idling for both shorts and long periods of time will lead to a decrease in points. 100 points is still quite a lot, so it will take several similar scenarios of these penalties for your account to be in danger. But it’s important to keep these in mind whenever possible.

Pok mon Unite Fair Play Points explained  How to get Fair Play Points and how does the rating scale works - 46Pok mon Unite Fair Play Points explained  How to get Fair Play Points and how does the rating scale works - 66