The event kicks off on Wednesday morning with a keynote from Immortality and Her Story creator Sam Barlow, with Rare’s Louise O’Connor kicking off Thursday’s activities and Chella Ramanan - who’s currently working as a narrative designer at Ubisoft - delivering a talk on Friday. I’ll be hosting a roundtable on Thursday afternoon from 2-3pm, where I’m happy to talk about whatever takes your fancy. What’s the best path into writing about games? What makes a good feature pitch? What, in my opinion, was the best Formula Ford Festival final ever? Anything’s game! The event’s taking place on Discord, and it’s worth reiterating again that it’s entirely free thanks to partner Creative Assembly. You can see the whole schedule and details on how to sign up over on the lovely site itself, while you can find the sign-up form over here. Hopefully we’ll see some of you there!