Steam users have review-bombed the game and complained it should not have released with the same £49.99 price tag it launched with on the Epic Games Store back in January 2021. Other criticism centred on the game’s various editions and additions (Standard, Deluxe, Seven Deadly Sins Collection, Trilogy, Trilogy + Premium Add-Ons, Hitman 3 Access Pass: Hitman 2 Gold), which users said were just plain confusing. “Our Hitman 3 launch on Steam didn’t go as planned,” IO responded in a blog posted this afternoon. “We were excited to bring Hitman 3 to Steam with new content and we knew that anticipation and excitement levels amongst our Steam players was high, especially as the game had been an Epic exclusive for a year. “Ultimately, we didn’t meet our own expectations of a launch experience and we don’t like that our Steam community is beginning their Hitman 3 journey in this way. So, here’s what we’re going to do: Everyone on Steam who has already bought Hitman 3, or anyone that buys the game through to February 19th 2022, will be granted a free upgrade. “All Hitman 3 Standard Edition owners will get a free upgrade to the Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition. All Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition or Hitman Trilogy owners will get a free upgrade to the Seven Deadly Sins Collection. “Starting on January 27th 2022, this process will begin to automatically roll out via Steam entitlements. Simply launch your Steam copy of HITMAN 3 and the new content from your free upgrade will be waiting for you to enjoy.” Reaction to IO’s upgrade program has so far been positive. Hitman 3 currently sits on a Mixed rating on Steam - perhaps this will now improve. Hitman 3 kicked off its big Year 2 of content last week with the addition a boss rush-style mode named Elusive Target Arcade, plus various technical improvements and VR support for the full trilogy. A new map and roguelike mode are due later in 2022.