We’ve teamed up with the Hearthstone experts over at our sister site Metabomb to bring you the lowdown on all of the new content that’s launching with the seventh expansion, and a round-up of all the best decks that are beginning to emerge in the new meta. That list will grow over time, and the deck lists and guides themselves will be updated to reflect all the latest developments in the game. We’ve also got a brief overview for you of all the new mechanics and content. If you want to find out more about each one (and get your hands on some decks that make use of each new card), head over to the links we’ve provided. Update: 11th December 2017 This article has now been updated with all of the latest new and revised deck lists in Metabomb’s collection. More deck updates will be made in the days and weeks following the launch of Kobolds and Catacombs. Druid

Aggro Token Druid deck list guide Big Druid deck list guide Jade Druid deck list guide Malygos Druid deck list guide Miracle Druid deck list guide Taunt Recruit Druid deck list guide


Big Hunter deck list guide Face Hunter deck list guide Midrange Hunter deck list guide Secret Hunter deck list guide Spell Hunter deck list guide


Big Spell Mage deck list guide Exodia Mage deck list guide Secret Mage deck list guide


Aggro Paladin deck list guide Hand Buff Paladin deck list guide Murloc Paladin deck list guide Quest Paladin deck list guide Recruit Paladin deck list guide


Big Priest deck list guide Dragon Priest deck list guide Highlander Priest deck list guide Silence Priest deck list guide Spell Priest deck list guide Temporus Priest deck list guide


Kingsbane Weapon Rogue deck list guide Miracle Rogue deck list guide Quest Rogue deck list guide Tempo Rogue deck list guide


Elemental Shaman deck list guide Evolve Shaman deck list guide Overload Control Shaman deck list guide Totem Shaman deck list guide


Control Warlock deck list guide Cubelock deck list guide Demon Warlock deck list guide Quest Warlock deck list guide Zoo Warlock deck list guide


Big Recruit Warrior deck list guide Pirate Warrior deck list guide

For the full lowdown on beating this mode, check out Metabomb’s exhaustive Dungeon Run guide which contains loads of tips, tricks and strategy advice for handling each encounter. You can find an overview of each weapon and the decks that make use of them in the Legendary Weapons guide on Metabomb. Just opened a Spellstone and have no idea what to do with it? Metabomb’s Spellstone guide hub contains an explainer on how each one works and a list of decks that make use of them. Head to Metabomb’s Recruit guide page for a list of every card featuring this new mechanic, and a list of the decks that currently include them.