Eurogamer news editor Tom Phillips, guides writer Lottie Lynn and me start with Square Enix Presents, the publisher’s showcase event that revealed the promising Life is Strange True Colors and confirmed the final name of PlayStation 5 timed-exclusive Project Athia: Forspoken. But it’s Marvel’s Avengers that’s at the heart of our chat this week. Square Enix and developer Crystal Dynamics revealed the roadmap for content coming to the game during 2021, and a Black Panther expansion is expected towards the end. There are a few other events planned before then, but there’s no mention of PlayStation-exclusive DLC character Spider-Man. Is all this enough to save the embattled super-hero action adventure? And finally, we run through a quite impressive week for Xbox Game Pass, which has nabbed Outriders on launch day as well as a raft of eye-catching games. We also chat about Sony’s investment in Jade Raymond’s new studio, which is building a brand new PlayStation IP. If you’d like to check out previous episodes of the Eurogamer News Cast, you’ll find them handily rounded up here.