This challenge went live during Week 10 of this season, joining other epic quests such as travel in an Inflate-a-Bull, visit the Guardian Towers and damage Doctor Slone.
This one in particular asks you to use either one of the latest alien weapons added to the game, the Grab-itron, or a Saucer (aka UFO around these parts) to deliver a tractor to Hayseed’s farm.
Completing this challenge will reward you with 30k XP to help you unlock more Battle Stars for the Season 7 battle pass.
Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed.
What’s new? Chapter 3 Season 3 has arrived! New additions include Reality Seeds and Saplings and riding animals, along with the new Battle Pass, characters collection and map changes.
It’s a good idea to know how to get XP fast in Fortnite.
In addition, there’s a risk of other players interrupting you as you’re transporting the tractor to the location. Our suggestion is to find a UFO and safely move above ground instead.
Luckily, there’s a fixed spawn close to the delivery location inside Corny Complex’s barn.
We recommend to land from the battle bus here in order to snatch it up as soon as possible. The barn is open this week, and in our experience there were no IO guards in sight, so don’t worry about coming in empty-handed.
Once you’re inside, the next step is looking for a tractor. Luckily, there’s plenty of them around Corny Complex. Just aim at any of them once you’re close enough and pick it up.
Now it’s delivery time. As we mentioned, Hayseed’s farm (known as Steel Farm) is slightly northeast of Corny Complex.
It’s a fairly short trip, and it’s unlikely that you will encounter other enemy players trying to interrupt it.
Once you’re in the area, drop the tractor wherever you like. If you want to be extra safe, do so above the farm itself (Hayseed is expecting the delivery, right?). If you’re doing this with the Grab-itron, the process is the same but on foot.
It’s worth noting that there has been an issue regarding Abductor ships (aka UFOs) and Mothership abductions. As a result, developer Epic have turned both of them off. But don’t fret - Week 10 legendary quests involving these will be auto-completed for all players with the next game update, as announced by Epic on Twitter.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Chapter 1 is here, complete with a new augments system, the coming arrival of Geralt and the Ageless Champion to beat! We’ve also got a present list for Winterfest and Cozy Lodge and pizza slice locations.
Meanwhile, learn how to get XP fast, earn the Victory Umbrella, find character locations and earn a Victory Crown.
That’s all for this quest! Now you can go ahead and visit Guardian Towers across the map to complete another epic quest this week.
In addition, in case you have been procrastinating them, remember to complete Rift Tour and Superman quests before they disappear from the game.