As noted by PCGamerN, players reported earlier this month that they were not receiving XP rewards as expected for progressing through the game’s battle pass. “I completed bounties and finished a battle pass rank,” wrote one user on reddit. “The XP animation played but the XP bar did not increase at all.” This was echoed by another, who revealed, “I lost more XP this week… 3 mill last week and 2 mill this week.” Earlier in the month, a Diablo Immortal community lead stated that a hotfix had been released to specifically address this XP bug. “The team is going through to calculate each individual’s lost XP through the time periods affected by this bug. We have this data. The XP will be delivered once we go through the data,” they wrote. “Apologies on these inconveniences as I know the XP one especially was a bit concerning. Hotfixes should be out for these issues now.” Eurogamer’s Bertie has previously said that Diablo Immortal is both the “best and the worst of the series all in one”. “I get huge mixed feelings while playing Diablo Immortal. On the one hand, the core of the game is really good - I’d even go as far as to say it’s borderline great,” he wrote. However, he felt the in-game shop (something many have criticised), and his loss in trust for Blizzard, makes this entry “philosophically… a different kind of Diablo.” Meanwhile, a recent report has suggested that a social media post believed to mock Chinese president Xi Jinping was behind the last-minute delay to Diablo Immortal’s release in China.