Steamforged Games - the team behind the Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil, and Dark Souls tabletop games - will be launching a Kickstarter campaign “soon” to bring the officially-sanctioned board game adaptation to fruition. “Like the video game, the Elden Ring board game will immerse players in the forsaken Lands Between,” explains a press release from the company. “In a vast, sprawling world of decaying grandeur that unfolds through their exploration, 1-4 ‘Tarnished’ players will embark on a huge and varied adventure, visiting iconic locations and crossing paths with familiar enemies and characters.” The team making the tabletop game says it will feature “intelligent dice-free combat” that requires strategy with each encounter, “whether that be a lowly Godrick Soldier or the Grafted King himself”. “Elden Ring is a stunning, genre-defining video game, and we are humbled and privileged to be bringing it to your tabletops. To say our team is passionate about the game would be an understatement,” said Mat Hart, co-founder and CCO at Steamforged Games. “Our mission is always to deliver authentic tabletop adaptations that capture the essence of what fans know and love about the IP. Fans should expect a dark, richly-realised tabletop world of mystery and peril, with satisfying combat and rewarding exploration. Prepare to lose hours to this game, and to be glad about it.” Publisher Bandai Namco recently made the entire Elden Ring soundtrack officially available to listen to across a wide range of music streaming services. The newly released digital soundtrack runs a total of 67 tracks, variously composed by Tsukasa Saitoh, Shoi Miyazawa, Yuka Kitamura, Yoshimi Kudo, and Tai Tomisawa - many of whom are long-time From Software collaborators, having worked on the likes of the Dark Souls series, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and Bloodborne. We also recently learned about these glorious Elden Ring art books, too.